Monday 25 July 2016

Power Words to Infuse Your Copy

Power Words

Most people write boring flat copy, it's lifeless because they use boring overused verbs.

Which of these sentences sounds best?
·        Did you talk to a crowd?
·        Did you enchant a crowd?
·        Did you thunder down on the crowd?
·        Did you command the crowd?

The last three sound a lot better than the first one, don't they?

Words like talk, walk and try – they are all overused.  Even words like increase, if you use them again and again will lose their power.  You need variety and passion in your copy.

I hope you can see the difference in power verbs and stale verbs.  Below is a list of commonly used words and a whole host of alternatives.  Use them and weep tears of joy, as you are flooded with sales!


immediate, right away, simultaneous, within moments/seconds/minutes/hours, fast, in a jiffy,  wink of an eye, without delay, straight away, straight off, at once, promptly, shortcut, in a flash, go like the wind, shake a leg,

Without Effort...

automatically, accidental, intuitively, involuntary, knee jerk reaction, mechanically, naturally, reflectively, self-regulating, spontaneously, routinely, robotically, unconsciously, impulsively, posing no difficulty, easy as falling off a log, nothing to it, easy,  simple, effortless, a cinch, in a relaxed manner, casually, fool proof,  without any trouble, no practice necessary, almost over night, connect the dots, force you, sit back and watch, bypass, force-fed/feeding, fall into place, force-feed, tricking your brain, “quick-fix” solution, no “getting up to speed”, tap into,


lucrative, gravy train, make a killing, the goose that lays the golden egg, return on investment, wallet sweller, enlarge your bank account, fast track to profits, top dollar, multiply your investment

affordable, introductory pricing, wholesale priced, petty fee, bargain, economical, reasonable sum, meager, modest, lean, puny, dirt cheap,  a real steal, a fraction of the cost, below wholesale, pays for itself, budget friendly,


conquer, triumph, clobber, humble, vanquish,  shellac, trounce, wallop, rain blows on, pummel, steamroll, monopolize, put you in the driver's seat, give you free reign, call the shots, dominate, reign supreme, command, tower above, tyrannize, be at the helm, manipulate, tear up, humble (as in humble the competition), sticking it to, blow the lid off of, collapsed, smack the snot out of, spank,


boost, swell, snowball, accelerate, avalanche,  bloat, balloon, mushroom, fatten,  deepen, heighten, flood, drown, flush, overwhelm, swamp, downpour, gush, swarm, overrun,  crush, mob, explode, blast, burst, erupt, shatter, rain, blow the lid off,  maxed out, bursting at the seams, landslide, jack up, gorge, spike, merge, squeeze out,


slim, condense, defeat, downgrade, slash, vanquish, subdue, drain, carve up, shrink, dwindle, retire, shrivel, plummet,  disintegrate, destroy, squander, nose-dive, chop up, bankrupt, put the kibosh on,  torpedo, shatter, demolish, level, plunge, crash, shave, erase, suck down, melt away, vanishing, dwarf,


fall short, choke, break down, give out, bomb, flop, flunk out, stink up the joint, ruin, bust, go under, go belly up, crumble, throw in the towel, flounder, burn out, blow your wad, come up short, sabotage,


belittle, disgrace, embarrass, humble, shame, take down a peg, deflate self esteem, throw for a loop, put on the spot, put to the blush, dishonor, blackball, blacklist, blow away, robbed, suffer, beg, demolish,


ever-lasting, fixed, certain, continuous, immutable, nonstop, perpetual, unceasing, uninterrupted, around the clock, lock up, lock into, capture, burn (burn into your memory forever), etch, install,


concealed, buried, clandestine, secret, invisible to most, under wraps, covert, classified, confidential, covert, hush-hush, top-drawer, need to know basis, private, overlooked, lock-box secret,


attempt, take a stab at, have a go at, take a crack at,  zero in, set (y)our sights on


lethargic, sluggish, spiritless, inactive, apathetic, inert, slowest, unresponsive, casual, easygoing, flabby, sloppy, dreamy, uninspired, unmotivated, passive

nouns: misery, grief, heart ache, torture, torment, plague, living hell, martyr,

verbs: crucify, mutilate, mangle, disfigure, butcher, cripple, massacre, maul, slaughter, slaving away, 

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