Monday, 10 October 2016

Do You Have A Plan For Your Squeeze Page Theme?

The last chapter discussed creating a themed brand for yourself and your marketing design. Let's get down to specifics for your squeeze pages, which are dependent upon on how you plan to generate traffic to your sites.

Most marketers have focused a large part of their marketing efforts on keyword research and search engine optimization (SEO). You are looking for keywords with a high demand (lots of searches on the terms you picked) and a low number of sites competing for your attention.

When you uncover keywords with those characteristics, create a squeeze page for each one of your products and optimize each one around a different phrase in your list. It would be a mistake to use one squeeze page for everything or to design all your squeeze pages so they send your traffic to one generic product page. Doing that destroys your focus and reduces the perceived value of each product.

Think about it! Would you rather buy your new cell phone from a high-tech store selling only cell phones or a discount store with a pile of different cell phones in a bin?

The same warning can be extended to creating one squeeze page and sending all your traffic to it. Either practice will quickly render your focused marketing methods useless.

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You can have several web pages selling the same product or service and several squeeze pages sending your traffic where you want them to go. Just don't make the mistake of tossing all of them in the same basket and expecting great results. FOCUS! FOCUS! FOCUS!

Another often-used technique is driving traffic to your products with pay per click (PPC) processes. Here you buy certain keywords and  Adwords is one such program. Using PPC methods to generate traffic will require that you fine tune your pages to maximize the effect of the keywords you purchase.

If, on the other hand, you decide to generate traffic through pay per click (PPC) programs, such as Adwords, planning your Squeeze Page theme will again find yourself tuning a number of different pages to fit the keywords you are purchasing.

In case you are not familiar with pay per click concepts, it is an Internet advertising tool used on content websites and blogs. You, effectively an advertiser, bid on the keywords or keyword phrases you want to use in your sales or content copy. Relevant ads matching your keywords display on your pages and you get paid each time one of your visitors clicks on an ad. These ads are easily identified because they are called "sponsored links" or "sponsored ads" on search engine results pages.

Three of the largest providers of PPC opportunities are Google AdWords, Yahoo! Search Marketing and Microsoft ad Center, thought there are many others.

Regardless of the method you use, many new marketers fail to construct their squeeze pages to fit a specific audience and lose their effectiveness. You can read instructions to focus like a shark all over the Internet and it is a serious instruction. Lose your focus and you scatter your power until you don't have any.

When you are trying to get that email address, you have to give your viewer compelling reasons to give up their details. Those reasons would be benefits the viewer will get from using or reading your product. All buying decisions are based on personal emotions. If a potential buyer can see how your product or service will make their life easier or better, they will buy it, or as a minimum, trade their email address for more information.

That emotional process is called, "WIIFM" ("What's In It For Me?") Answer that question simply and honestly and you win!

When you are formatting your squeeze page theme and the rest of your pages, never forget that your customers are people just like you are. Make everything you put online look professional. Check all links more than once to make sure your customers do not land on the 404 error page instead of your sales pages (or put another squeeze page on your error page!). Be friendly!

Learn Fast With Baby Steps 

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