Monday, 6 February 2017

10 Natural Ways To Clear Stroke Causing Plaque From Your Arteries

There is no doubt that both arteries and veins have very important roles to play. Veins carry blood to the heart. The blood is then transported to the various parts of the body with the help of the arteries.

Hence, there is no doubt that arteries have a very important role to play. When we are born and as we are young our arteries are clean and oxygenated blood flows very easily to all parts of the body.

However, as we age and we as we become very undisciplined in our lifestyle habits, our arteries get choked with plaque which gradually creates lot of problems and at times even causing death.

That’s why it is very important to find out ways by which we can keep the arteries clean and free from plaque using some proven and natural methods.

What Exactly Is Arterial Plaque

When we talk about arterial plaque we are talking about a dangerous combination of dead cells, cholesterol, calcium and fibrous tissues. This happens only after the smooth interior lining of the arteries are damaged.

Once it is injured, the smooth lining becomes rough and rugged and it starts attracting cholesterol and other elements as mentioned above. The problem is more serious than we had thought as even young children of eight to ten years suffer from this problem.

It’s a problem that needs to be nipped in the bud to prevent heart attacks, strokes and other such dangerous conditions. So what can we do natural to help change the course!

1. Look For Foods Low in Cholesterol & Saturated Fat 

The World Health Organization and American Heart Association states that one should restrict saturated fat to only around 16 grams and cholesterol should never exceed 25 percent. Only then would it be possible to reduce arterial obstructions.

This would call for reducing meat serving to less than 4 ounces each meal. The rest should be filled up by beans, fruits and vegetables.

2. Increase Soluble Fiber Intake

It is also very important to increase intake of soluble fiber which is found in plenty in oatmeal, whole grains, oat bran, pears and apples. This is important because if you want to remove the clogged arteries and reduce the quantity of blood fats or lipids, then these soluble fibers could be very useful.

Soluble fibers are known to bind well with these lipids in the intestines and help to flush out the same and prevent it from entering the blood stream.

3. Give Up Smoking

There is no doubt that smoking is very damaging and could play a big role in increasing LDL (bad cholesterol) and also in reducing HDL (good cholesterol).

When one smokes regularly they increase the early stages of fat known as triglycerides. Hence staying away from cigarettes is not a choice but a compelling compulsion so to say.

4. Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise helps burning of excess calories and keeps the arteries neat and clean. You should however take the doctor’s advice and go for an exercise program that has been recommended and cleared your doctor.

Moderate exercising for a period of 30 minutes works wonders but even exercise for 10 minutes a day can be very helpful. You need to consult with your doctor regarding this.

5. The Importance Of Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acid is often called the wonder nutrient. It is found in Tuna, Salmon, Mackerel, and Hoki. They play a big role in lowering cholesterol levels that cause plaque in your arteries.

They also help reduce inflammation of the arteries and also help to repair the damaged arteries especially the interior linings. They also play the role of a blood thinning agent and which helps in reducing formation of blood clot.
6. Keep A Watch On Waistline 

Extra inches in your abdomen are clearly a sign that all is not well as far as non-essential fatty substances are concerned. It could be a precursor to deposit of plaque in your arteries.

Trimming one’s waistline is extremely important to say the least.

7. Supplements Are Too Important To Ignore 

It is very important to understand the importance of food supplements. They are slowly becoming a necessity rather than a choice – a well balanced diet will minimize their use.

It has been proven that well-chosen and quality supplements can play a big role in keeping the arteries clean and sweep the plaque and other harmful deposits away. There are a range of Vitamin Supplements that could help. They have been proven to reduce cholesterol buildup in the arteries.

8. Avoid Processed Food

In today’s fast paced world there is no doubt, a lack of time is a big problem and most of us have forgotten the virtues of home cooked food. Processed food is rich in saturated fatty acids, preservatives and all other things which do nothing but damaged our system.

They play a big role in clogging the arteries and make us obese and unfit. Making the one change of staying away from processed foods to the maximum extent possible with pay big dividends reducing artery plaque. It is a small price to pay for maintaining a healthy and good lifestyle

9. Limit Alcohol

Though limited quantities of alcohol could be good for the body, when one overshoots the limit set by doctors and by others who set such standards, it is bound to create problem. Beer, sweet wine and other such drinks could lead to obesity and increased sugar levels. This certainly could be the foundation for the arteries being clogged.

10. Reduce Stress Levels And Have Required Sleep

Stress is a bad thing and it is known to cause hormonal imbalances which eventually lead to fat accumulation in the arteries. One should learn how to de-stress and get into exercises such as yoga and meditation which could help a lot.

Regular sleep of at least 8 hours per day (at the right time) is also something that should be always be kept in mind.

In closing, taking the steps to reduce plaque in your arteries is a process. But quick gains can be realized with dietary changes and exercise like walking.

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