Monday, 17 August 2015


Email Marketing – Website Optional

Email marketing offers a great opportunity to grow your business, you can publish a newsletter or e zine through an email marketing system, you can also set up a fixed term membership site using email marketing and you can send broadcast messages to your subscribers to encourage them to make new purchases.

It is important that you follow the law and any regulations applicable to your Country and if your hosting provider specifies it, you must comply with the Can Spam act too. The laws for email marketing and what you must disclose change often, so it is always best to keep abreast of what is happening. Check and double check that any emails you send out to your list comply fully. If you are using email marketing to promote products as an affiliate, then you will also need to include a disclosure statement as per the FTC guidelines or the relevant laws for your Country.

So how can you perform email marketing with no website? Fear not. I have the perfect answer.

Facebook + Mailchimp, Facebook will allow you to post a sign up form on your page and Mailchimp will provide you with the App you need to integrate the sign up form on your Facebook page.

Mailchimp will allow you to have up to 1000 subscribers on your list before you will have to pay for their services. The only negative with using Mailchimp is that you cannot promote affiliate products to your subscribers; however you can promote your own products that you have for sale.

By placing your subscribe form on your Facebook page, it will encourage more people to sign up, as they won’t have to leave Facebook to sign up for your list.

Full detailed instructions on how to use the Mailchimp APP on Facebook are located here.

It’s easy to sign up for a Mailchimp account you don’t even need a credit card.
Sign up for your account As usual make sure you read their rules, terms and conditions.

That means that if you have 1000 subscribers, you will have the ability to email out 6 times a month to your list. Do be aware though mailing out too often to your subscribers can send them running for the unsubscribe button.

If you are going to be using this method of email marketing to run your newsletter/e zine, even if you publish once a week, your Mailchimp account with less than 1000 members will be fine.

 If you took the plunge and started your own blog hosted on your own hosting account, then the options for auto-responders and newsletter managers just got so much bigger.

There are numerous plugins available for Wordpress that will enable you to run your own opt in list on your blog. The only limitations on how large you can build your list will be how many emails per hour your web host will allow you to run, Most web hosts have quite lenient rules and if you follow them you should be fine.

Mailchimp could also be used on your blog, most of the plugins available will enable you much more freedom and flexibility.

Enter Newsletter +Autoresponder in the box on the site and then click the Search Plugins button. There are just 5 plugins listed on the site.

One really good one is this one WP Responder Email Newsletter and Autoresponder Plugin

With WP Responded you can create email newsletters, follow up autoresponders and provide subscription to blog via e-mail.
You can Import/Export your entire list, and the Plugin uses shortcodes so you are not restricted to having a sign up form in your sidebar, you can add a sign up box inside your posts.
There are other scripts freely available for you to use to add subscribers to your Newsletter/Ezine or Mailing list some come with detailed installation instructions and others are a bit lacking.
If you really need free then I would recommend that you take a look at two php scripts, they have to be installed on your own hosting account (web space)
 Visit for instructions on how to install and use this program. PhPList is available as a one click install through Fantastico on any hosting that uses C panel. Some Internet Marketers use phplist to manage their mailing lists.  There are some companies who will for a fee, install and set phplist up on your hosting space for you.

 Infinite responded is another free Autoresponder script that you can install on your own web hosting space. Whilst it is not the prettiest looking piece of software, it does work and will provide you with the means to start your mailing list, newsletter or e zine.
These two programs are not the only free autoresponders out there; in fact, if you ask your friendly search engine to find you a “free Autoresponder” you will find there are a lot to choose from. All I would mention here is that free sometimes can be very costly.
Some people will advise you that hosting your own Autoresponder on your own site is the wrong thing to do. They will tell you that you can get your site blacklisted or even worse shut down. The choice is of course yours, and when you are first starting out it may be that there is no choice at all unless you’ve been really successful and managed to get some funds together either from Ebay sales or some Freelancing as I mentioned earlier in the report.
If you are a good person and don’t spam people with offers or bombard them with email after email, or irrelevant content the risk of being blacklisted or shut down is minimal.
For example, if you offer someone a newsletter/e zine on how to look after rabbits, then further down the line you start to send them make money online offers, you are going to get complaints, and quite rightly too.
 There are a lot of companies that offer hosted autoresponders; this is where they deliver your messages for you from their server.
These companies will then provide you with code to paste on your site to host the sign up form on your site or blog.
Here are two free hosted email providers which may be of use to you these are: allows 1000 subscribers, 6000 messages per month. No advertising of affiliate products allowed. allows unlimited number of subscribers, unlimited lists. You can promote affiliate products in your messages you send out. There is no import or export facility available. If you close your account, you loose your list.
As far as paid for Autoresponders go, this really does depend upon your budget. All Autoresponder services vary some offer more subscribers for the same monthly fee, others are more expensive, but offer better tools to use. It really is a case of see which one suits you best.
The leading Autoresponder services at the moment are. sometimes they have a $1 trial running. Generally it is $19.95 per month for up to 500 subscribers with unlimited mail outs. their starter plan is $9.95 per month for up to 250 subscribers with unlimited mail outs. their starter plan, offers a 30 day trial for $1 after that they then charge $9 per month for up to 5000 subscribers. their starter plan, offers 60 free trial, after that they then charge $15 per month for up to 500 subscribers. their starter plan is for up to 250 subscribers and the fee is $9.95 per month. their starter plan is for up to 10,000 subscribers and is currently set at $19.95 per month, however they do plan on altering their prices in the not too distant future.

The Autoresponders mentioned above are not the only ones on the market again have a look around and see which one suits your needs and or budget. Please make sure you check the prices as they do change from time to time.

When you are first starting out, don’t get bogged down with Internet terminology, you’ll hear things like, squeeze pages, opt in pages, and wonder what the difference is, to be honest, there isn’t one, one marketer will refer to their opt in page as a squeeze page and another marketer will refer to their squeeze page as an opt in page. Both pages perform the same task of presenting a sign up form to your visitors so they can add themselves to your list, Newsletter or E zine.

If you are faced with the option of single opt in or double opt in, always go for double opt in, this stops the comedians from adding false email address to your list, and keeps you out of the spam complaints list.

Why write a Newsletter/E zine or build a list anyway

Every website needs traffic, by creating a newsletter or mailing list, and interacting with your subscribers, you remind them that your website is out there what it is about and they will be more easily persuaded to return to your site. A newsletter/e zine is one of the most effective marketing tools you can use to promote your website.

You will have heard a thousand times, that “the Money is in the list” or the Money is in the relationship with your list. This is so true. In the offline world your customers would walk into your shop, in the online world you have to bring your customers back to your site.

It is essential that you keep your subscribers happy with good quality content, by doing this your list of subscribers will prove to be the biggest asset you could ever have.

To end a lot of confusion, I’m going to tell you now, a Newsletter is the same as an E zine – both are online only publications. Traditionally the electronic newsletter was referred to as an E zine because it was just a magazine published online. A lot of today’s marketers prefer to refer to their Ezine as a Newsletter.

Lots of people produce Newsletters the majority of them are free, some newsletters have stood the test of time, whilst others have frizzled out and died.

Offering your subscribers a Newsletter once or twice a week means that you are committing to produce this for them.

Remember your subscribers trusted you with their email address, on the promise that you would produce that newsletter for them, you have to be disciplined and you have to write the newsletter. So think long and hard about your offer to them when they sign up.

It is far better for your sanity to promise a periodical newsletter – that way you can choose your own timing, once a week, or once a month.

There are a lot of good marketers making quite a healthy living online simply by producing a newsletter once a week or once a month.  Jim Daniels and Marlon Sanders have been using this method of marketing for years.

A good example of one to sign up for is Martin Avis’s Newsletter, Martin publishes his newsletter mostly twice a week, his newsletters are friendly, informative and offer good snippets of information sign up here for free.

Another example of a good informative newsletter again for free is published by Paul Myers Pauls letters always contain great information although sometimes, be prepared for the odd rant.

An example of a paid newsletter giving great information to help you move your business along is Tony Shepherds affordable mentoring newsletter. You can download a free copy from this link here -à Affordable Mentoring Newsletter

Other services you can provide by simply using an Autoresponder

Have you heard of a “fixed term membership model?” this is where you load up your Autoresponder with a series of messages and automatically send them to your subscribers once a week, or once a month. It’s like running your own membership site without the need of an expensive membership script.

Your e-course is delivered to your subscribers automatically from the Autoresponder. You can choose either to offer this e-course for free or to charge a fee to your subscribers for the information they will receive.

Jimmy D Brown has very successfully used this model for his membership sites. Once a week he sends his paying members an Autoresponder message that contains a link to download that weeks’ lesson.

Should you choose to offer an e-course you only really need to have the first 4 weeks of material ready and inserted into your Autoresponder before you start to promote the e-course; this would then give you four full weeks to write the next stages of the course.

There are lots of marketers out there who offer free e-courses sign up to a few, see how they have constructed them and what level of information they provide. You might be quite surprised at how easy a method this is to start your own online empire.

There are various ways you can monetize your newsletter/ezine, e-course initially when you are first starting out, promote affiliate products that compliment the content of your newsletter.

If your topic for the newsletter is lets say on “Link Cloaking” go to the Clickbank marketplace and find a link cloaking script to promote add the link to your newsletter – your readers may click on the link and purchase the script and you of course would earn a commission.  There are other places to find products to promote besides Clickbank, take a look at too.

Once your newsletter has become established and you have a healthy number of subscribers you could offer paid advertising where other marketers will pay you to promote their products to your readers.

Once you have decided to produce that e zine/newsletter, submit it to as many ezine directories as you can. zines/

People who are looking to advertise their products use these types of sites to find e zines to advertise in; ensuring your ezine is listed in these directories will also bring in new subscribers.


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