Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Don’t Fall Into the Money Pit!

Before I start giving you the ideas - How you can start online business, let me tell you how to save yourselves from Scams.

Anyone contemplating starting their own home business first has to learn how not to “fall into that huge Money Pit”. Take a look at Google there are literally millions of results for how to earn money from home online.

Apparently you can make money doing all sorts of things, filling in online surveys, typing at home, posting advertisements; envelope stuffing; online tutoring; the possibilities are endless! DO NOT fall for these schemes, every one of those kinds of websites has a disclaimer that says something similar to this statement:

This is not a job. You are not working for anyone”

I’ll wager that Regardless of that statement, you will still continue on to read the whole of their “glitzy” sales pages, that have been craftily written to make you think that there lots of people earning thousands of dollars per month doing this type of thing.
Then you’ll get to the part where it states today’s date and that this offer is going to be gone at midnight tonight!

Resist the temptation to hit that buy button, save your $49.95 the only way anyone is securely making thousands per month through these schemes and offers is by selling to YOU the desperate person. Keep your $49.95 in your pocket; you have much better things to spend it on.

Online Business Scams

If you are desperate to make those extra dollars, you are just the person these online work at home scammers are after. Take heed of this warning too.

No one makes a million dollars on the net overnight
Yes, there have been one or two reports of this having been done, but the average Joe or Jane simply cannot make a million in one night.

Don’t let this statement disappoint you though, because with a little bit of work, thought and planning the average Joe or Jane can seriously make a decent chunk of change online.

Here is how you most certainly won’t make money:

  1. The Edward L Green chain Letter system. This is illegal in most countries stay well clear of it.
  2. Posting advertisements for other companies, who will only pay you if the advertisement gets clicked on.
  3. Participating in any kind of pyramid scheme. Only the ones at the top of the pyramid ever profit from these types of schemes, then they usually run off with most of the money
Just keep this thought in mind,
“If looks too good to be true, it usually is”.

There is no greater feeling than waking up in the morning and seeing your PayPal account has been credited with money whilst you have been asleep. So tomorrow we will go and find out how we can do just that. 


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