collide, shock,
connect, handed, drenched, dump, pinpoint, trigger, scour, juiced, crank out,
load, pogoed, harness, float, bored to tears, get into the trenches, haul,
hammer it home, rampage, scramble, the underbelly, fuss, drag, pocketing,
rocketed, smack/smacking, trashes, oohing and aahing, winced, frightened, hunt
down, devour, hobble, nail down, snicker, cram, wail, huff and puff, size up,
Words to Avoid
Now some words to
avoid, as they are overused and some alternatives....
acquire, digest, uncover, gain access to, obtain, secure, unearth, disrobe,
expose, unveil, take in, observe,
disclose, revealed to you, unmasked, spill the beans, let out the bag,
laid on the table, made plain
ante up, take
advantage of, invest, cover, contribute, chip in, furnish, provide, supply,
goes for, initiation fee, access fee, requires a small sum, total amount,
valued at, available for, offered at, worth
happily involve,
help obtain, provide expertise, supply with vital information
reserve, claim,
gain access to, acquire, get, secure, snatch this up, scoop up, snatch up, own,
take home, make it belong to you, make this yours, when you choose to say yes,
it's yours, get involved with this wonderful opportunity
display, reveal, disclose, divulge, present, prove, uncover, meet the eye,
parade, flaunt, direct your attention to, lead you through, confirm, expose,
broadcast, open the door,
Power Transitions to Keep Your Visitor
transitions will help you keep the reader's attention, all the way through to
the order form. They are very simple to
Headlines are
not meant to sell the product, but to get the visitor to read the first paragraph. To keep the visitor reading, you can use sub
headings, which is why good copy uses sub heads, but there is another way to
keep visitors reading and that is by using power transitions.
transitions are like paragraph headlines, as is it the first sentence of each
paragraph that sells the visitor to carry on reading, instead of skimming, or
even worse leaving never to come back.
Below is a
power transition swipe file, so you can use them to encourage people to keep
reading. Don't use them on every
paragraph, but sparingly every 2 or 3 paragraphs to get those visitors reading
to the end of your copy.
1. What
does all this mean?
2. It
gets worse...
3. You're
going to love this.
4. Why?
5. Now,
don't get me wrong...
6. Here's
another thing.
7. Think
I'm mistaken?
8. Now
for the story:
9. So
what did I do?
10. Listen:
11. Here's an important little trick:
12. Want
to know an even better way?
13. Now
check this out:
14. It
works like this:
15. But
16. Here's
an easy way to do this.
17. What's
18. And
get this:
19. Here's
an illuminating statistic:
20. Consider
21. Here's
what I mean.
22. However,
here is a curious fact:
23. But
what's next?
24. Let
us press on.
25. But
you know what?
26. Onward.
27. One
other thing:
28. What
29. Look:
30. Why
do I do this?
31. Another
32. Did
it work?
33. What's
34. But,
there's only one way:
35. How
simple is it?
36. So
what? Well here is the “so what” of it:
37. Whatever
you do, don't try to...
38. I'm
not kidding.
39. Moving
40. Let
us inch a bit closer to the truth:
41. So,
what do you do first?
42. Here's
something else:
43. Here's
all I'm going to ask you to do:
44. As if
that wasn't enough...
45. A
46. What
am I saying?
47. On
the other hand...
48. By
the way...
49. Now
let's discuss
50. A
little-known fact about...
51. Does
all this sound a little over the top to you?
52. Now,
let me tell you something:
53. Besides
54. I'm
not playing around.
55. However,
it's not always that simple.
56. But
there is a drawback.
57. What
this all boils down to is:
58. But
I'm not finished.
59. And,
speaking of...
60. Here's
the point:
61. Hear
62. Even
63. Best
of all:
64. What
I'm saying is this:
65. Now
the specifics:
66. One
last thought:
67. Pay
careful attention.
68. That's
the bad news. The good news is...
69. Now
I'd like to emphasize something here:
70. Know
71. But
wait a minute!
72. Let's
push on.
73. Now
let's be real.
74. The
answer is simple.
75. But
don't stop there.
76. Why
did it work so well?
77. Here's
the secret:
78. Next,
what you do is...
79. But,
let me offer a word of caution:
80. Would
you like some of this action?
81. Now
pay attention to this:
82. Come
83. Bottom-line:
84. Now
picture this in your mind:
85. Speaking
86. Why
am I doing it this way?
87. Which
brings me to...
88. Imagine
89. Here
is the most important thing you can do...
90. What
did I discover?
91. I'll
tell you something...
92. It
went down like this:
93. But
this was different.
94. Big
95. On
with my story:
96. But
this was not to be.
97. I
could hardly believe it;
98. Are
you kidding?
99. Let's
bring it home:
100. Enough build-up, let's
get to it.
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