Friday, 30 September 2016

Building Relationships With Your Subscribers

Before we get into the intricacies of squeeze pages, there's a concept you need to recognize and put into place while you are building a list with any method.

From the first contact with your subscribers or customers, you should be quietly building a relationship with them that is friendly, helpful, honest and full of readily available information they need.

When you think about it, everything we do is based on relationships that we've created , usually without thinking too much about it...just letting it happen naturally.

With an mailing list though you need to manufacture this relationship.

How do you build a personal relationship with so many people? In this high-tech, "moving at the speed of light" Internet marketing scene, you might be surprised that it all depends on ancient principles you were taught by your grandparents or parents:

  • Good manner.
  • Taking an interest in the needs of other people
  • Providing help when it is needed
  • Being  honest in all your dealings with anybody

It's just good old fashioned customer service! 

To start with, after you get a sale or subscription to your blog or newsletter, your autoresponder should send them an email you created with a "Thank You message". That email should also explain that they have to confirm their subscription in order to get their download link or whatever was promised when they signed up. Directions on how to confirm their subscription should be explicitly stated.

From this point on, your relationship building with that subscriber will be through email marketing. Don't get nervous about a new concept when you are just learning about squeeze pages. Email marketing, from your standpoint, is what you are doing when you send an email to any customer or subscriber.

Take a look at what you are already doing:

When you send a personal email trying to get a date with someone or pleading with your brother to help you fix your car, you are already email marketing. All of us market constantly. We just do it with a different focus, depending on who the target is and what we want from them. And we never think of it as email marketing. You already have a set of skills you can adjust slightly and use in your business.

One of the best tips I was ever given and still use today is when you're writing an email to send to your list, write it to just one person – this helps you to find that 'personal tone' that is the secret to success.

Remember marketing is just promotion, selling or advertising.

Consider this. You've felt the need to build relationships since your birth, starting with your parents and siblings and moving on, as you grew older. In one way or another, you've been marketing yourself as your desires and needs expanded.

Remember thinking up ways to get the keys to your dad's car when you wanted to impress someone on Saturday night? What do you think you were doing when you solicited the neighbors for lawn mowing jobs or babysitting? Take those skills you've used all your life and use them to talk to your customers with emails.

When you first start to create a personal business relationship with your customer you have to consider two things: what your motive is and what your customers want. The secret to selling is providing what the buyers need and making it available.

Here's what you need to decide before you create any web pages or marketing messages:

  • What do you want your customer to do? Subscribe? Buy? Refer?

  • What response are you trying to get? Questions? Answers? Sales? Affiliations? Joint Ventures?

When you can answer those two questions, you will have narrowed and sharpened your focus. Take that focus and use it when you are building relationships or web pages, particularly squeeze pages.

Here's several ways to start building relationships:

One way to do this is to stay in touch with different types of emails. Do not send an email to your customers every day. Initially, they will get sent two emails from your autoresponder. One will thank them and ask them to confirm their email address. The next will send the report they wanted or links to their download and the bonuses you promised.

After that, give them a break and follow up several days later with a simple inquiry about their satisfaction with your product or service. Give them a contact method, email address, help desk or phone number, in case they are having difficulty with your products. That's it! No selling, no marketing, no links to sales pages. This will start building their trust in you.

In a week or so, send an email with some related content or specific information your customer might need. This can be about new trends in your niche or helpful information. A gentle marketing approach would be to suggest that they can receive more information on the topic by following the included link to that information.

When they follow the link, your web page would have graphics and data about your products that may or may not be of interest to them. You are marketing without being gratingly obvious. Just make sure that, when they follow the link, they land on the information they wanted in the first place. Do not make them crawl through several pages before finding what they want. It irritates your customer and ruins your credibility.

One simple rule of thumb that might be helpful to you is to remember how you feel when you are constantly bombarded with email sales pitches every day or several times every day. Responsible marketing with emails to your customers is the only way they have to determine who you are and whether or not to trust you.

Too many marketers treat their subscribers like fools. But what would you do if you got nothing but sales emails every day? What would be in it for YOU?

Nothing – of course, which is why people unsubscribe from lists that hammer them with sales emails.

Some say that, for every sales email, you should send two just  informational emails, occasionally including one with a surprise free gift for download on your website. Others ignore that advice and go their own way. It is, of course a personal choice based on your own marketing campaign, but you might want to check out what successful marketers do and remember to "Copy Success."

Once you decide on your specific 
marketing approach, it is important that you maintain a steady email plan that keeps contact with your customers without irritating them. Do nothing that will make you lose existing customers, who are almost 10 times more valuable and not as fickle as new customers.

One of your major goals will be to draw customers into your business, making them virtual friends that feel like they have a stake in your success or are a valuable part of it. The emotional trigger you are accessing here is the need for a sense of belonging to something like a community.

One way to do this is to offer all your subscribers and customers free membership in a forum dedicated to niche topics of interest to them. They can ask questions, meet new friends, give advice, offer help when they have the solution to a problem and share experiences. That keeps them involved with you and open to buying your products.

What you've built with a forum for
 your customers is trust, a source of information 24/7 and a sense of community. Those are very critical emotional triggers that will build loyalty and credibility. If you chose this avenue, it is important for you to be an active member of your own forum. Your personality and personal contact with your members is what will keep your members involved with you.

If you are looking for topics to suggest or products to develop that your customers or forum members want, just ask them. An email from you asking what information, instructions or software they need will probably give you enough topics to keep you busy for months. It also improves your standing in their eyes.

Another way to draw your subscribers into a relationship with you is to run an occasional contest with a prize that has some value to the niche members on your list. If your niche is golf, for example, run a contest asking for the best way to improve a golf problem, like "How To Easily Get Out Of A Sand Trap" or "How to Putt Like A Pro."

Your prize, might be an eBook compilation of the solutions you got from your subscribers (identifying each contributor and expanding on their suggestion), or one you wrote yourself about some aspect of golfing that is not a rehash of old data. A golf shop might be willing to donate a box of golf balls in exchange for a plug.

Keep what you've learned in your mind and let's get down to some specific aspects to creating and using squeeze pages to increase your conversion rate. 

How To Get  The Most Out Of The Squeeze Page System

Monday, 26 September 2016

What Is A Squeeze Page?

Every Internet marketing guru in the world will tell you that your profit is in your list of subscribers and, without a list, you will not have a business. That statement is true and scary enough all by itself to drive you to find solutions, especially if you do not know what a squeeze page is or what to do with it after you get one.

Let's start with what a squeeze page actually is. Any search for an explanation of these critical marketing pages could easily confuse you since they are known by four different names: "squeeze page," "capture page," "lead capture page" and "opt-in page." They are all the same thing.

Let's make it simpler -

The squeeze page's only job is to get your visitors to give you their name and email address,and their wish to subscribe, lets you market to them in return for a free gift.

Basically – a squeeze page is like a sales page but where the 'buy now' button would be, there's a form where the visitor can give you their name and email address (sometimes other details) in return for the product advertised on the page.

By giving you their details they're also agreeing that you can contact them in the future. This should of course be made clear on the squeeze page.

The whole point is to build a list of people you can email again and again and sell to.

Why does everyone in internet marketing use squeeze pages (or at least seem to)?

Because they work.

A lot of internet marketing 'gurus' – by this I mean the big players and millionaires have build their business lists using squeeze pages, and to put it bluntly, these guys don't mess around!

The one thought you can "take to the bank" is that those successful Internet marketers do not waste time and money on processes that do not work. They test and retest everything mentioned above and only use what is proven to increase their income. Use their pages for a classroom and "Copy Success!"

But why a Squeeze PAGE?

Why not just put an opt-in form on your blog or sales page?

The truth is that you cannot rely on casually placing your opt-in forms  just anywhere to motivate your visitors to give you their contact details. A simple opt-in form on the sidebar of a busy blog or on a column of a loaded sales page could be easily overlooked by visitors reading down the page.

And people are beginning to realize that their email address details are valuable, and don't want to just give them away to any marketer. They want to be courted and made to feel special!

Another truth about visitors to your site is that they can and will click off your site in a second. They commonly just scan the page to find the cost of what you are selling or your free bonuses. If you add some affiliate banners and links, and there's way too much distraction to keep them on your page.

Which is why your squeeze page has just one job – to get leads onto your list.

Squeeze pages are all designed around identical concepts. The actual presentation may be different, but the focus and intent is 100% the same on any successful opt-in page. Read behind the words and feel the emotional triggers and subtle guidance those pages are utilizing to get you to spill your details or buy a product. The more you can learn from watching the successful marketing gurus, the better off you will be with your own marketing campaigns.

Most squeeze pages have the same elements or parts:

  • An opt-in form waiting for your name and email details. This data goes right to the autoresponder and the new subscriber immediately gets a thank you message and a link for  the  bonus download offered for your sign up. The list owner gets an email with your details and notice of your subscription.

  • An introduction to the benefits of your products. These are normally, but not exclusively, bullet points that tell you how you will benefit from subscribing to the blog or newsletter or buying the product. These benefits will be compelling or they are useless. Remember to list benefits and not features. There is a big difference.

  • A call to action that creates a sense of scarcity or "losing out" on a great deal. This could be a warning of "only XX widgets available" or "Price increases to $__ in 3 days."
  Potential customers need a reason to buy or subscribe NOW.      

Without a strong, emotional call to action, they will just click off     to another site. All buying decisions are truly emotional, and you need to get them whole they're hot, interested and most of all, emotionally ready.

  • Two graphic items you will see on a large number of squeeze pages are a picture of the marketer and a graphic signature. While these might be effective for improving the personal connection between the marketer and the customer, these are a matter of personal choice.

Long or short squeeze pages have both been used successfully to increase the conversion rate, which is the percentage of viewers who buy or subscribe. It is, again, a matter of choice. Smart marketers will test both with their sales copy to see which one converts at a higher rate than the other.

I prefer shorter pages, but as ling as you remember that basically a squeeze page is a sales page with the 'buy now' button replaced with an opt-in form you'll not go far wrong.

If you go to most marketer's home pages you;ll find a squeeze page. This is because the home page is often the first site visited by newcomers, and it's an excellent chance to grab them for their lists!

Watch out for information on..............

How To Build Relationships With Your Subscribers

Friday, 23 September 2016

What is a Blog?

At some stage in developing your online business presence you will need to look into creating a blog.  Blog is shorter from “weblog”.

A blog is type of website, where you write posts (or entries).  Blog 
posts appear with the most recent blog post (or entry) first, just like a diary or journal. You will have to update the posts frequently and regularly. Blogs have an area for people to comment on or respond about the blog post.  You can put links on your blog to sell your product. Embedding your links in your blog posts as well as in the sidebars is highly encouraged.

You can also invite other people to write for your blogs if they are sell similar products.  A person who writes the blog post is called guest bloggers. Blogging is the act of writing a post for a blog.

Why is it important for your business?

With a blog you can improve your website’s SEO (search engine optimization) rank exponentially. Providing fresh material helps search engines to find it quickly. It helps to increase traffic to your website via inbound links. Enforce your brand as an expert in a particular field.

How a blog can help your business grow

A blog gives your business a voice. It is a place to talk about new products or services. It helps your brand to shine and show people what you’re all about. Blogs are cost-effective marketing investments. As what you publish is a long term asset. Most hosting plans come with add on applications for you to start your own blog on your domain name. Wordpress is by far the leading blogging platform. You can add a WordPress blog onto your domain from your hosting account and you’ll be set up for a blog!

Are you confident now in your abilities to run your affiliate marketing business? Are you ready to start your business?

Click the link below to start your business today!

Monday, 19 September 2016

What is Social Media?

Social Media are Internet platforms that increase and enhance the sharing of information. This information can be in the form of pictures, videos, short updates, or blogs. What started as a personal use tool has grown exponentially and is now playing a vital role in businesses today as well.

Why is it important for your business?

It helps you to build and develop your brand quicker.  Social media posts can be used to drive free targeted traffic to your website. If you’re doing it right, social media can help you build great relationships with right people. Social media marketing can also help get you more sales.

There are many social media platforms you can use. Here are a few very popular ones:

Facebook – This is mass market. Almost every marketer is on Facebook. 

Twitter – This is another mass platform. Twitter’s messages reach many of people but the tweets have very short lifespans. 

LinkedIn – This platform is good for professional connections that in turn help you generate sales.

Google+ - Some people feel that Google + is not very popular, but it is still used as it is closely association with the search engine.

YouTube – This is becoming a must in every business. It’s not just a video platform, but is the second biggest search engine.
Pinterest – This is another platform which is rising in popularity. This is where customers find inspiration for shopping. It’s a pre-purchase indicator. Pinterest is perfect for niches like fashion, beauty, interior design, crafts and food.

Instagram – This platform is popular.  Like Pinterest you can put images on it. It only needs a few images to pull your prospects into your business.

Forums – Joining forums related to your business is also a very good way to promote your business.

In the beginning it will be very hard work to make time to spend on social media.  The best way to get out of that is you should write your business goals and then try your best to stick with them.  In the beginning I found it very difficult to manage, but as I started to divide my goals in baby steps.  They started working for me.

Start your business today!

Friday, 16 September 2016

How To – Drive Traffic To Your Offer.

It’s no secret that in order to make money, you need traffic have to drive traffic to your website. This is a task which is  never-ending.  Meaning this is a which you have to keep on doing regularly.

 Once your capture page is up, it’s time to start driving targeted traffic to your website. 

There are 2 types of traffic:

Paid - you pay for the web traffic with money.

Free - you pay for the traffic with time your time. 

Paid Traffic - What is it?

There is lot to choose when it comes to paid traffic.   You should try few different ways in order to find one that's right for your business. 

Solo Ads – Solo ads are very popular.  This type of ad you can 
buy from a person who has created a strong list. They will send email about your product to their list for small charge.

Facebook Ads – Many businesses are using Facebook to advertise. When setting your ad you can choose certain types of people you want to reach, for example gender, age, and/or occupation. You can also target audiences that are similar to your existing customer base. 

Facebook will actually find people for you who are similar to the
ones who have already purchased your type of product. You can do all the demographic, geographic, contextual, or behavioral targeting you need with Facebook Ads.

Google Ad Words - This is wonderful platform as it will target someone by what they search online. This platform is an excellent because it will only show your ads to person who is looking for your type of product.  Ad Words can be extremely effective at targeting people who are ready to buy. 

Twitter Ads - Twitter has some pretty good targeting options.  
It will target people who are tweeting about a particular product. You can also target by using specific keywords found in hashtags.

Free Traffic – What is it?

There are many ways to get free traffic. 

·    1. By working hard to put your website high on the search engines.
·     2. By creating target Facebook pages and targeting right people.
·     3. By put articles on other people’s blogs, or by adding them to             an article directory.
·     4. By joining different forums and being very active member,                promoting your website.

There are many businesses who are very successful in getting free traffic, but you need to be ready to work really hard and this can be difficult in the beginning.

Are you ready to start your business? 

Click the link below to start your business today!

Monday, 12 September 2016

What Is a List and Why Is It an Important Part of Your Business?

What is a List?

A list is easily compiled when your drive traffic to your squeeze (opt-in) page.  The visitor gives you their e-mail address in exchange for the free gift you offer them. Then that subscriber becomes part of your list.  

You can them send regular emails with your affiliate offers and if they buy through your link, you make money.

We have all heard the saying – the money is in the list.  When you start your own online business, you will see that the saying is  
100% true!

The bigger your list is, the more chance you have of making more money you will make.

What happens when you don't have a list?  

It means you will not be able to make money. When someone visit your website they will buy 1 product and disappear for ever.

If you want to keep on selling, then you must have a list. You must build close relationship with them so you understand their needs and offer them the products that will fulfill their needs.

Here is a link for a very good affiliate course. 

Friday, 9 September 2016

What Will You Need To Set Your Affiliate Business

Starting Affiliate Marketing Online Business is the most quickest, easiest and very cost effective way to start your home business.  

The Benefits of Affiliate Marketing:

1  A.. You don’t need to create or come up with a product to sell,
   B.  You don’t need to worry about delivering the goods,
   C. You don’t need to provide an customer support
   D.  Most importantly, the startup costs are very low.

The things you will need to start your business are: - 

A. Website : - A website is like having your own shop online. A website is cost effective, because you know upfront what the cost of website will be. The good thing about online website is it is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Website help you build trust with your visitors.

There are two types of websites:

1  1. Brochure site: your blog (what you are reading now).

.    2. A Squeeze Page: (Your opt-in page).  Which help you to build           your list.  As once they are on your list, you will send them               follow up emails with your affiliate links and if they buy then           you will make money.

B.  Domain Name : -  You will have to choice name for your business, as this will help you in the future to establish your brand online. Before you can start building your website, you will need a domain name. The domain name and the website are closely connected but they are two very different things. Your domain name can be used for your website and your email. Your affiliate business email will be something like this: Your domain name is what people will type into their browser to find your site. Domain names are not very expensive and you only need to pay a yearly renewal fee for them.

C. Hosting company:- Web hosting is a service that allows online marketers to display or host a website on the Internet. A web hosting service provider provides your business with technologies and services needed in order to successfully run your website. 

You’ll need to select a web hosting provider that has a high reputation and has a low percentage of server down time. Websites are stored on special computers called servers. You will host your  Opt In page on this server provided to your with your hosting account. This is important that your hosting plan allows for uninterrupted service. Because your potential customers will land on this page and be sent to your website.

There are lot of options available when you're considering Domain Name and Hosting Services.  Below are two links of industry's leading service providers. 

GoDaddy – Most people think that Godaddy sells only domain names but they also provide hosting services and lots of other add-on's that will be beneficial for your business. 

Click on this link:

Hostgator – Hostgator is very popular for hosting, but they also provide domain names & hosting service.

Click the link :

D. What is an Autoresponder and Why Do You Need One?

An autoresponder is a required tool for your online business.(Just like Web Hosting). Autoresponders are used to automatically send your follow-up messages to your subscribers. You just write your emails once and each time someone subscribes to your list, the messages are sent to them automatically.

There are three types of messages that you can set in the autoresponder.

    1.  Time based - once set will be sent to your contacts in any                   sequence you want it to be sent.

    2.  Broadcast message - can be sent when you want to send special         messages or when you are launching new product.

    3.  Event based messages - can be set for if your subscriber 
         performs  a certain type of action.  For example, if they click the      link, change their personal information, or any other sort of              special criteria you have set. 

There are a lot of options available when it comes ta autoresponders.  Autoresponders are time savers and are cost effective because you know up front what the cost will be each month. 

Here are links to two very well-known autoresponder companies, check them out before buying. 

Aweber – They have a trial offer of  $1 -

Get Response – They have a free trial offer -

If you feel you want to start your business as soon as possible then   click the link below to start today.