Monday, 30 April 2018

3 tips for better work concentration

Concentration requires time and effort, especially when trying to do your work. Even if you have duties for only a few hours a day, or twice a month, the results will not be productive if your brain isn’t performing well. However, there are a few easy ways to improve your concentration at work to enhance productivity.

3 tips for better work concentration

1. Cut-off the noise

It may seem like an obvious course of action, but more than a few times people forget to cut off the noise. It could be tempting to have everything ringing around you, from email alerts to your phone, but all these actors often act as a distraction. 

Trying to achieve productive concentration can take roughly 15 minutes. However, if you are getting distracted every 5 minutes, there is absolutely no way you will focus totally on your work. The best thing you can do is to answer your emails at scheduled times, request that people don’t interrupt you when you’re working, and tell them to call when you are free. 

2. Set deadlines

Deadlines tend to have both their advantages and disadvantages when trying to enforce concentration. The thing is that a deadline makes it easier for you to forget the non-essential aspects of your work and focus on one particular project. For instance, if you give yourself just an hour to finish a company logo, you will keep it to the point without too many extravagant designs. 

Time limits only become a disadvantage when they cause anxiety and worry. Therefore, deadlines are only recommended when: 

• Time is limited: When you have only a day to complete to complete a big project, breaking it down into specifics will help to strip away unnecessary elements. 

• Losing sight of the bigger picture: If your task may lead you to an extreme number of variables, you can use a deadline to make sure you only do what is needed. 

• To prevent procrastination: A tight deadline helps to prevent cases of procrastination.

3. Stay healthy

It is true that whatever you put in your body has the potential to affect your concentration. For instance, you can’t focus if you show up for work smelling like a liquor distillery. If you also deprive yourself of sleep, abuse drugs, eat unhealthy foods, and don’t stay fit; your concentration will definitely be affected. 

You should to eliminate any unhealthy habits when you have work obligations. Doing so will significantly increase your concentration and productivity. 

Friday, 27 April 2018

3 Reasons Why Affiliate Marketing Is Great

Affiliate marketing remains to be a renowned marketing strategy, both for publishers and advertisers. In simple terms, affiliate marketing is described as an agreement between a site owner and a merchant. The affiliate (website owner), promotes the merchant's products and services on his website or through other media such as email marketing. In return, the affiliate receives a commission for every sale generated through his link. Here are the top 3 reasons why affiliate marketing is great.

Cost-Effective and Low-Risk

Many businesses have embraced the concept of affiliate marketing because of its cost-effectiveness. Contrary to other forms of advertising, the merchant only pays the affiliate once he delivers results. These results are determined by various parameters such as a sale, click-through or lead. Affiliate marketing is also ideal for small startups since it is a low-risk investment. With other types of advertising, one would be required to pay the costs upfront with no guarantee of measurable results. With affiliate marketing, you only incur an expense when a purchase is made. This is to mean that your investment always earns you a considerable return.

Brand Exposure

One of the secrets to a successful advertising program is brand visibility. Affiliate marketing allows you to market your product or services on hundreds of websites; thus, giving you the ultimate brand exposure. An increase in brand visibility translates to increased revenue. 

Moreover, affiliate marketing benefits merchants by offering targeted prospects. Most affiliates only market the products and services, which are likely to appeal to their site visitors. The affiliate understands his audience; hence, he takes offers that are best suited for them. For the merchant, this means that your product is advertised to a relevant demographic.

Easy Tracking and Transparency

With affiliate marketing, merchants can track the progress of their marketing strategy. It is achieved by assessing the purchases made, click-through rates and page views among other parameters. By monitoring the performance of your campaign, you can identify the areas to invest in more efficiently. 


Affiliate marketing offers a win-win situation for the merchant and affiliate. Merchants get to enjoy a wider market to advertise their products or services. Besides, this platform gives you direct access to your target audience.
On the other hand, affiliates can make immense profits quickly. Typically, you can generate income without incurring any production costs or inventory expenses. The best part is that you can join most affiliate programs for free; hence, you do not have to look for startup costs.

Friday, 20 April 2018


·For anyone just starting out, there’s no easier or faster method of generating income than affiliate marketing.

·For anyone who already operates their own online business, selling other people’s products can create a substantial boost to their existing income.

·If all you’re doing is directing targeted traffic through your affiliate sales link, you’ll be competing on an equal level with countless other people who are promoting the same product.

·Super affiliates make a great deal of money selling other people’s products, mainly because they market and promote them the same as they would their own products.

·Super affiliates use pay per click as their primary method of advertising (they know they have to spend money in order to make money).

·While other affiliates are simply copying and pasting ads that the owner of the product has made available, super affiliates are developing their own unique and original sales content.

·Rather than jump on every program, product, and service that comes their way, super affiliates carefully pick and choose ones they’re confident can be marketed and promoted effectively.

·When choosing a product, you need to establish whether or not there’s a viable demand.

·If you don’t feel comfortable with a product’s website, sales copy, or order process, chances are the average viewer won’t either.

·If you don’t feel confident about the quality of a product, it’s going to be difficult for you to launch a successful promotional campaign.

·You need to have the ability to track and monitor everything related to your affiliate activities.

·To locate good affiliate programs you can conduct searches based on a particular niche market, sign up to use the services of an affiliate marketing network, or search through the categories of affiliate program directories.

·Affiliate marketing websites like Commission Junction and ClickBank make it extremely easy to locate good affiliate programs - products that are highly compatible with your niche or target audience.

·Commission Junction offers all ranges of products, services, and programs - both digital and tangible.

·ClickBank only handles digital products such as ebooks and software programs.

·Use your own website to promote and pre-sell your affiliate products.

·One of the most effective tactics is to write personal product reviews and recommendations.

·With a niche blog you can reach an unlimited number of people who would be interested in the type of products you’re promoting.

·There’s no better way to get personal recognition than writing and distributing your own articles.

·One of the best methods for outselling other affiliates is to enhance the owner’s original product package with yet another product (bonus) at no extra cost.

·Deliver advice, tips, and information along with specific details about the related product and your affiliate link.

·Encourage viewers to sign up for your mailing list so you can contact them over an extended period of time, continuing to give them valuable tips and information about the product.

·You can achieve much better results by writing your own ads, writing fresh sales copy, and creating new banners and images.

·The primary advantage of ClickBank - aside from the fact that’s a virtual gold mine for affiliates - is the innate simplicity of using and implementing it.

·Since there’s no more effective and profitable advertising method than using pay per click, the perfect money-making combination is ClickBank and AdWords.

Monday, 16 April 2018

The ClickBank Advantage

The primary advantage of Click Bank - aside from the fact that’s a virtual gold mine for affiliates - is the innate simplicity of using and implementing it.

Once you join Click Bank (for free), you’ll have your own personal ID which in turn will be included in any of your product affiliate links.

For example, if your ClickBank ID is “softsell” and the product owner’s ID is “eproducts”, your affiliate URL address would be…

To find products that fit your niche market or target audience, all you need to do is visit the ClickBank Marketplace (when you first get to the website, click on “Earn Commissions”).

The marketplace divides the products into main categories…

Clicking on any of those category links will allow you to drill down even farther. For example, if you click on Health & Fitness, you’ll receive a list of sub-categories that include Addiction, Fitness, Beauty, Nutrition, Diet, Medicine, and Mental Health.

The first ten listings in each category are the top affiliate earners. This allows you to see at a glance which products are making the most amount of money for their affiliates. But that doesn’t mean you should choose any of the top ten.

Sometimes it’s much more productive to go with one of the lower listings and then make it a top earner for you personally. For one thing, you won’t have as much competition. Secondly, it will force you to get a bit more creative with your marketing and promotion.

Of course, the basic product selection criteria still applies here. With any product you’re considering, for example, you still need to click over to their sales page and establish how good it will be in converting prospects to buyers.

Aside from evaluating the sales copy, you also need to make certain that the sales process doesn’t sabotage your own efforts. Things like…

·Allowing people to purchase through alternative methods which would bypass or exclude your ClickBank affiliate link.

·Selling various non-related products on the same page.

·Products are being sold on the same page but the link doesn’t give credit to your ClickBank affiliate ID.

·Names and email addresses are being captured by the owner for future follow-up which could rob you of your rightful affiliate commission.

Overall, you want to see a nice clean sales page that is focused on the one ClickBank product you’re promoting and nothing else.

If the sales page doesn’t do that - and it’s diluted with all sorts of other things that benefit the owner but not you - pass on the product and find one that is worth your time and effort.

Once you’ve chosen the “right” products, you’ll need to begin marketing and promotion. And since there’s no more effective and profitable method than using pay per click, the perfect money-making combination is ClickBank affiliate products and Google AdWords advertising.

The power of AdWords is undeniable. It allows you the ability to…

·advertise directly to highly targeted audiences

·display your ad almost immediately

·start bringing in money almost immediately

·link directly to any landing page

·keep accurate and highly advanced ad statistics

Of course, the success of your AdWords campaigns will be dependent almost entirely on the strength of the keywords you’ve selected.

Keep in mind that the winning formula is to choose keywords that are widely searched for but have little or no competition. In order to conduct that type of research, you have two choices… invest a great deal of time sorting through all the data, or simply use Ad Word Analyzer ( ).

Right away, you’ll have a comprehensive list of all search terms that are related to any keyword you input. You’ll also know how many searches were conducted on all of those phrases and how many AdWords campaigns already exist (your competition).

But rather than simply use Ad Word Analyzer to find good keywords, you can also use it to find the best markets. Even before you locate any products. Then, once you’ve unveiled the most promising campaign possibilities, you can use ClickBank to locate specific items to promote.

Friday, 13 April 2018

Outselling Other Affiliates---part 4

7. Capture Names And Email Addresses

One of the major drawbacks of being an affiliate is the fact that you don’t generally have an opportunity to gain the names and email addresses of people who purchase through your affiliate link.

Plus, you’re going to attract plenty of targeted individuals who just aren’t ready to purchase during their first exposure to your offer.

Do whatever it takes to encourage prospects to sign up for your mailing list. If you create an autoresponder ecourse (and use a qualified autoresponder service), you’ll automatically receive names and email addresses. But what about any free downloads such as ebooks or reports that you’re giving away?

Instead of merely letting viewers take them anonymously, have them fill out and submit a form first. That way, they get the free information, you get their name and email address.

Now you can contact them over an extended period of time, continuing to give them valuable tips and information regarding the product or type of products they were initially interested in. Just don’t abuse the privilege by sending them promotional messages and nothing else.

Your ultimate goal is to sell something but in order to move your mailing list members into a buying position you first need to establish a relationship of trust and respect. That will be accomplished by supplying them with valuable information while at the same time letting them know the benefits the product will provide.

8. Use Your Own Ads And Promotional Materials

Most affiliates rely on promotional materials that are supplied by the owner of the product. That would include things like solo and classified ads, banners, pre-written sales copy, and cover and product images.

Although it might be quality material, the fact that so many other affiliates will be using it will automatically dilute the impact and effectiveness.

You can get much better results by writing your own ads, writing fresh sales copy, and creating new banners and images. The primary purpose is to have something different than any of the other affiliates. But it’s also possible that what you create is superior to the original marketing materials.

Overall, it’s simply a matter of doing something different and unique. And doing it better and more aggressively than anyone else.

Monday, 9 April 2018

Outselling Other Affiliates---Part 3

5. Offer A Special Bonus

This is by far the best method for outselling other affiliates. Basically, you enhance the owner’s original product package by throwing in yet another product (or products) at no extra cost.

Of course, the more valuable and unique the bonus, the higher the possibility of making more sales than the next guy. The only other criteria is that whatever bonus you choose, it needs to be directly related to the main product.

Although you could certainly offer a tangible item, the least troublesome bonus would be something digital. That way, you don’t have to worry about physically delivering it to the buyer.

For example, if the product you’re selling is that revolutionary new golf club, you could create an ebook that has tips on how a golfer can improve their swing. Or, you could create a video that actually shows them how to do it properly.

The point is, you want a bonus that the buyer can simply download once they’ve made the initial product purchase. That automatically reduces the amount of work involved in delivering the bonus.

Naturally, the amount of time and money you invest in creating the digital bonus will depend on how much money you receive as an affiliate for each and every sale.

Just keep in mind that you’ll only have the cost of creating a digital bonus once. But the value of offering prospective buyers a special bonus could easily bring in substantial income for a considerably long period of time.

And make certain you clearly announce that the bonus can only be acquired if they make their purchase through your affiliate link. If they get the product anywhere else, under any conditions other than yours, they won’t receive the bonus you‘re offering.

6. Give Away Free Tips And Information

Rather than dismiss all those viewers who take a look at your offer but don’t purchase right away, you should offer them free tips and information. Naturally, the content will be directly related to the products you’re promoting.

You can place that content on your website but you also need to provide methods in which the viewer will have the information available on their own computer.

For example…

·Put together a downloadable list of frequently asked questions regarding the product and how to use it.

·Create an ebook that includes ideas for gaining the full potential of a product or service.

·Develop an autoresponder instruction, how-to, or general information ecourse that will be delivered over a period of subsequent days or weeks.

In each instance that you deliver advice, tips, or information, make certain you also include specific details about the product it‘s associated with. And of course, you’ll need to include your personal affiliate link as well.

More information coming in next post.

Friday, 6 April 2018

Outselling Other Affiliates part 2.

3. Operate A Niche Blog

There’s no better method for promoting products than a blog. Naturally, you can do the same thing in a newsletter, but that only gets read by those individuals who are already on your mailing list.

With a blog, you can reach an unlimited number of people who would be interested in the type of products you’re promoting.

Of course, you can’t simply use the blog to sell things. You have to provide valuable and useful content, something that will not only make people listen, but will have them returning on a regular basis.

The easiest content - at least for anyone who relies on affiliate sales - is simply to provide product reviews. If, for example, you promote various pet supplies and training ebooks, you could create a blog for that particular niche and then include in-depth reports about different aspects of individual products.

You could also give tips and advice with regard to using any of the products. Or you could provide ideas on how the products can best be utilized. You could even ask readers to offer their own opinions and recommendations.

In most instances, these types of postings will spur comments from viewers, which in turn will spur comments from other viewers. And of course, the more comments that get posted, the more interest will be generated overall.

You can use blog software or you can simply sign up with one of the free online blog services. The most popular one is Blogger, located at

4. Write Articles

There’s no better way to get personal recognition than writing and distributing your own articles. And once you establish recognition, all of your product endorsements will be taken even more seriously.

When it comes to choosing topics for your articles, always pick something that is directly related to at least one of the products you’re promoting. That way you can recommend the product and include your affiliate link right there within the article.

And make certain you take full advantage of the author’s resource box…

If you have a primary sales website, where you promote affiliate products, include that link. If you have a blog where you review products, include that link as well. Or, if you have a newsletter and would prefer to solicit more subscribers, direct readers to the page that gives them all the necessary publication and signup information.

Once you’ve written articles, you need to submit them to as many online directories as you can. And always let people know that your articles are free to re-publish as long as no changes are made and the resource box is included.

Here are three of the most popular article directories…

Article City

Ezine Articles

Article Feeder

More information in coming posts.

Monday, 2 April 2018

Outselling Other Affiliates

Having to compete with hundreds or even thousands of other affiliates can make the task of generating income extremely difficult. And the only way to combat all that competition is to come up with methods and techniques that will make you stand out from the crowd.

Here are several ways you can do that…

1. Use Your Own Website

If you don’t already have a website, get one. If you have a website but it doesn’t lend itself to promoting other people’s products and services, put a site together that does.

Although you can promote affiliate products without a website, there are distinct advantages to having a home base.

The most important advantage is the fact that you can pre-sell the products. Rather than send cold prospects to the owner’s sales page, you’ll have them warmed up and ready to make the purchase.

How you warm them up depends on the product itself. With some of them you can simply write a positive and glowing testimonial, telling them just how great the product is and how much benefit you receive whenever you use it.

With other products, you might want to give them a condensed sales pitch that includes a common problem (poor performance on the golf course) and the ultimate solution (a revolutionary new club that is guaranteed to improve their score).

2. Write Personal Reviews And Recommendations

There’s a reason TV commercials that have celebrities promoting products are so popular. If so-and-so drinks that soda or wears those jeans or drives that car, they must be worth buying.

Having someone personally endorse a product is the number one sales booster. And even though you might not be a celebrity, your personal recommendation will go a long way in convincing buyers how good your affiliate product is.

Review the product in a positive light. Use information from the owner’s sales page or list benefits that you yourself have thought of. Give the prospective buyers a solid reason to click over to the product website.

Implementing the usual sales approach is fine. But the most effective tactic, the one that will quickly and easily increase the conversion rate, is you personally singing the praises of whatever product you’re promoting.

Watch out for more information in coming posts.