Monday, 11 September 2017

Web 2.0 PLR

81. Create a weekly podcast that is distributed on the iTunes store 82. Produce short screencasts or PowerPoint videos and publish the video across the web using TubeMogul or TrafficGeyser 
83. Use the material for a BlogTalkRadio internet radio show 
84. Create step by step video tutorials using Jing or Camtasia 
85. Pre-load an iPod with audio, video, and eBook content, then sell it 
86. Develop an iPhone app
87. Develop a Facebook application 
88. Create a slideshow and share it on Slideshare
Other Creative Approaches
89. Inspire yourself by using the wallpapers as your computer background on YOUR computer 
90. Use the PLR wallpapers to add some flair to reports 
91. Create a calendar with wallpaper graphics and motivational quotes 
92. Translate the text and publish it as a book in your native language 
93. Combine the content with interviews with industry experts to give your clients something they can really sink their teeth into 
94. Collaborate with other business-minded individuals and create unique packages and programs for sale 
95. Reorganize the materials to create a more persuasive sales letter 96. Use the materials as inspiration for poetry, stories, or fables 
97. Create pamphlets and brochures advertising your products and services 
98. Use the content for postcards or mailers 
99. Prepare a media kit promoting your business 
100. Use the material as talking points. When the media or your clients call you, you’ll be ready. 
101. Use the content as a market research and brainstorming tool
Need PLR Content for Your Website? Get some of the top PLR content around:

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