Wednesday, 30 March 2016

Finding CPA Networks

It’s a good idea to sign up with a number of CPA Networks.  That way, if one fails you in some way, there are others to pick up the slack.
Keep the number of networks nicely diverse, but don’t go overboard at first, until you’ve got the hang of running your campaigns. You can always add more as you go along.
A good rule of thumb is to concentrate on picking the right offers for your target market, for the websites you do have.
Do check out as many as you can. You may come across an offer that’s so good, it gives you an exciting idea for building a site around it. (But do your homework – your keyword research and offer comparison – before you accept it.)
Here is a list of proven CPA Networks.  There are hundreds more, and many of these are also solid companies – but this list is more than enough to get you started, for now.

Each one has its own rules, guidelines and application process instructions, so be sure to check them out carefully before deciding whether or not each is right for you.

CPA Website Techniques

We’ve already discussed picking a domain name, and getting a basic blog set up. We’ve also spoken about the 10 token articles you’re going to populate this blog with (or slightly more than 10.)


One thing to note that will make a huge difference:  If you do treat your blog posts as “token articles”, your site will fall flat, with low conversion or click-through rates. You really do need to be offering visitors valuable content they can really use. 
That means specific information.  “Car insurance is a good thing” is not a sentence likely to grab your reader’s attention. “Here’s a handy checklist of features your insurance should have” promises specific information the reader is going to be able to use, to help himself get superior insurance that really meets his needs.
It really is worth digging round a little in your research, to come up with juicy facts that no other site offers – ones suggested by the keyword phrase your reader is searching with.
We’ve spoken about some popular categories, like debt relief and credit card scores. Anti-aging skin care is another highly converting category.
What I’ve found has worked well for me with these: adding a personal anecdote the reader can identify with. 
This doesn’t mean pages of personal history – just a one or two paragraph anecdote, talking about one specific aspect, before continuing smoothly with specific facts showing the reader how I solved this problem.  (Example: Trying coconut oil products, and being really pleased with the results – but not realizing how this oil absolutely doesn’t let your skin “breathe”, and can actually cause serious problems – not to mention the worst acne breakout I’ve had since my teenage years!  I actually got a lot of comments – and a lot of click throughs on my related CPA insertions – with that particular blog post!)
The other great thing about the Skin Care/Anti-Ageing category: There are often CPA offers for samples of a free product in exchange for contact information. These offers work really well for this category!
To get back to our general methods of content creation, you can write the blog posts yourself, use PLR or have them ghostwritten specifically for you.
Since you’re just starting out, free PLR may even be your only option at the moment.  However, if you do use PLR, don’t drop the posts in “as is”. Not only is PLR deliberately generic and bland, but you may find your site shunned by Google, who will read it as “duplicate content.”
You couldn’t do anything worse for your marketing efforts than have that happen!
PLR is meant to give you a “skeleton” structure, cutting out most of the Research phase that usually goes into writing good blog posts.  Make sure you totally re-word the articles.  Re-write every sentence.  Mix them up.  Cut out sections. Add new sections in.  Beef up statements by adding specific facts that will interest your reader.
But never, never, ever leave PLR posts in their original form.

Ads And Website Colors

One trick used successfully by top marketers: Pick colors for your site that blend with your ads. Contrary to popular belief, ads that “leap out” and assault your eyeballs do not result in good click through rates.
(Avoid flashing or moving ads – testing shows that they annoy more readers than they entice!)
Everything on your page should subtly draw attention to your ads – there should be no sumptuous graphics to distract from them.
On the other hand, make sure your pages are visually interesting and not crammed with hard-to-read text.  People like to scan, looking for high points, when they’re checking out an article. Lots of “white space” helps with this, as do bullet points and subheads in your articles.

Types Of Ads You Display

There are a variety of ads you’ll be offered for each product.  Select the one you feel works best with your website, and is the least obtrusive.
Types of ads usually fall into these categories:
Ø Banners
Ø Email
Ø Newsletter
Ø Pay Per Click (PPC
Ø Popups
Ø Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Ø Text Links
With banners, text links and PPC, you have the option of starting out by just merely inserting them in relevant content on a web page.  However, the more you do to encourage people to click on them, the better. This does not mean asking people to click on the ads! In fact, whatever you do, don’t allow friends and relatives to repeatedly click on your ads – it will be noticed, and you will be penalized.

The best way to encourage click through is to make clicking on your ads seem like a natural step when your interested reader explores your page. That’s where those targeted blog posts come in and highly relevant offers come in.

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